
Tariq Kieran is a Toronto-based visual artist, who specializes in photography and film. His work covers a wide range of subject matter including in-depth examinations of trauma, the representation of wildlife and the disabled, and the more mundane aspects of everyday urban life. Throughout, his work aims to explore the breadth and depth of his subjects’ emotions and experiences.

He served as one of the official photographers for the Toronto Masque Theatre, documenting theatrical productions and creating promotional images. He has also done freelance fashion, beauty, and portrait photography as another way to explore issues surrounding the way identity is perceived on a personal level in contrast to its depiction in popular media.

His aquatic photography has been exhibited at the Toronto Zoo and featured in Germany's large aquarium magazine Aquaristik.His work for wildlife and conservation has continued through his deepening involvement in the aquarium hobby, both locally and internationally. Kieran is a founding member of the North American branch of the Australian and New Guinea Fishes Association (ANGFA NA) and is currently on the board for Durham Region Aquarium Society (DRAS).

Kieran received his MFA in Documentary Media from Ryerson University. He has also studied under photographers Rob Davidson, Struan, Rob Allen, and Margaret Diotalevi, as well as fine artists Al Uehre and Sue Ericsson.


Works held in private collections in:
Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the United States.